Lucía Cozzi is an artist, organizer, and creative researcher from Rosario, Argentina, based in Brooklyn, New York. Their work examines the relations between technology, ecology, change, and affects. They believe in making intimate processes visible to navigate them collectively.
Lucía Cozzi (ella/elle) es artista, programadora, e investigadora creativa de Rosario, Argentina con base en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Su trabajo indaga sobre las relaciones entre la tecnologia, la ecologia, los cambios y los afectos. Es fiel creyente de que visibilizar los procesos intimos, nos permiten navegarlos colectivamente.
online only at @m4p4s
no me veras en el metaverso @m4p4s
Everything you should know about ACME
Towards networks of collective care in the street. / Hacía redes de cuidado colectivo en la calle./
How a Beloved Bookstore in Bushwick Became a Source for Mutual Aid in the Community/
El impacto del Covid-19 en las librerías de Nueva York/
New Economies, New Worlds/
You’re invited: Collective Care Networks at Recess
Introducing our 2022 engaging artist fellows/
Together We Can... Art Gowanus Public Art Show
Dark Matters, SFPC Publication
ADO Lucía Cozzi on Internet maps/
Kandor13 nuevo espacio en Nueva York dirigido por Pablo Jansana, Felix Lazo y Lucía Cozzi/
HEADS Magazine